
This is my most up-to-date resume: Resume
I was born and raised near Boston, MA. I graduated from Purdue University with a B.S. in Computer Engineering in May 2020. During senior year of my undergraduate degree, I worked on a senior design group project where we attempted to build a robotic arm and claw that would respond to human arm and hand motion via bluetooth. We used a ESP32 microcontroller to generate PWM signals which would be sent to servo motors holding the arm’s joint together. The PWM signals would be used to move the servo motors around which would in turn move the robot arm and claw. My role in the project was to program the ESP32 microcontroller using an Arduino IDE to accept numbers representing angles that the robotic arm should move to from a glove, which would be worn by the human user. Then, the ESP32 would send the corresponding PWM signal to the servo motors attached to the robotic arm, which would cause the robotic arm to move.
Research interests
- Autonomous Vehicles
- IoT